A compilation of articles, highlighting the depth and complexity of this world wide problem. 

A compilation of articles, highlighting the depth and complexity of this world wide problem. 

Categories of Higher Risk Data

For data privacy and information security reasons, Ethixbase360 categorises the following data as higher risk. Customers should not ask its third parties to provide this information for hosting in Ethixbase360 without prior written consent.  Ethixbase360 accepts no responsibility or liability for the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, any such data. 

1. Information about an individual under the age of 16 


2. Passport or other government issued identification details or documents 


3. Credit or debit card information including PIN or CVV numbers 


4. Social security or other government identification numbers 


5. Bank or similar financial account details 


6. Information (e.g. a username or email address combined with password or security question) that would permit access to a third party online account  


7. Unless provided by Ethixbase360 or received in response to a standard Ethixbase360 questionnaire (e.g. in response to a question about PEP status or convictions) information about individuals revealing or concerning: 

● racial or ethnic origin (other than country of residence) 

● political opinions 

● religious or philosophical beliefs 

● trade union membership 

● genetic data 

● biometric data used for identification purposes 

● physical or mental health or wellbeing 

● sex life 

● sexual orientation 

● criminal convictions or alleged offences 


8. Commercially sensitive information which if lost could have a significant adverse impact on the information provider’s safety, finances, or reputation 


9. Information that is:  

● unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing or offensive 

● invasive of another’s privacy, intellectual property or other legal rights 


10. Videos of any nature