Key Updates for 2023 & beyond
To help organisations learn and prepare for modern slavery and human rights legislations around the world, we have produced a whitepaper to provide essential guidance.
An update on modern slavery and human rights legislation, including due diligence and reporting requirements.
The damage inflicted by historical slavery continues to make headlines, but the reality is that in many places around the globe, slavery practices and human rights abuses continue – this is modern slavery.
The International Labour Organization’s most recent estimates show that there are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide, and 25% of those are children.
While many countries, governments, and organizations are working hard to fight against modern slavery, this scourge continues to be a significant human rights challenge.
Download the whitepaper to find out:
• New legislation and updates for 2023 & beyond
• The global modern slavery and human rights legislations and developments in the United Kingdom, Norway, European Union, Australia, Germany, United States, and many more
• What businesses need to know to maintain compliance with global regulatory requirements
• Resources and solutions that are available to support organisations in their modern slavery and human rights compliance programs
To help organisations prepare for upcoming changes, we have produced a whitepaper to provide essential guidance.
“The report includes steps organisations have taken to prevent and reduce the risk of child or forced labour throughout their supply chain.”