Gain critical insights into modern slavery and human rights challenges in global supply chains, and discover strategies to strengthen compliance and mitigate risks for 2025 and beyond. 

Gain critical insights into modern slavery and human rights challenges in global supply chains, and discover strategies to strengthen compliance and mitigate risks for 2025 and beyond. 

Gain critical insights into modern slavery and human rights challenges in global supply chains, and discover strategies to strengthen compliance and mitigate risks for 2025 and beyond. 

Gain critical insights into modern slavery and human rights challenges in global supply chains, and discover strategies to strengthen compliance and mitigate risks for 2025 and beyond. 

Ethixbase360 Modern Slavery Statement

About Ethixbase360

Ethixbase360 helps organisations achieve supply chain transparency through its market-leading third-party risk management platform and practical due diligence solutions. With a dedicated focus on anti-corruption, human rights, labour and ESG. Ethixbase360’s solutions are aligned with the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact and provide actionable insights into third party risks. The Ethixbase360 platform and proprietary due diligence methodology offer organisations a more sustainable approach to managing risks across their entire supply chains.

We enable the sustainable growth and stability of our customers and their supply chains.

One of our many supply chain focused due diligence products is the Ethixbase360 Modern Slavery Supply Chain Risk Assessment Questionnaire for corporates seeking to comply with global Modern Slavery laws. The questionnaire assists organisations in identifying, managing, and reporting on modern slavery risk in their supply chains. Delivered via the Ethixbase360 Third–Party Risk Management platform, the questionnaire developed by Norton Rose Fulbright using its global expertise, offers a risk rating to assist organisations in managing their modern slavery reporting obligations across multiple jurisdictions.

Our Purpose

With a focus on anti-corruption, human rights, labour and environment, our mission in alignment with the United Nations Global Compact principles is to support organisations worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help create a business environment in which organisations are committed to doing business with integrity and transparency, while avoiding corruption of any form by complying with the anti-corruption laws of every country in which they operate.

Ethixbase360 is headquartered in the United Kingdon, with operations in the USA, Europe and Asia.

Modern Slavery: What and Why?

Modern Slavery is an umbrella term, encompassing a variety of different criminal activities including human trafficking, slavery, forced labour, debt bondage, child labour, forced marriage. Common to all these practices is a situation in which the victim is unable to defend themselves due to some degree of threat, violence, deception, or coercion. It is a violation of human rights closely aligned to sexual exploitation as well as other humanitarian, societal injustices.

Ethixbase360 takes guidance from the United Nations and the Walk Free foundation , two leading bodies who play an instrumental role in the provision of data underpinning our modern slavery outlook and product offering.

Unchecked human right’s violations affect our global society on an existential level, placing mistrust in the products which we consume daily and place significant question marks over the legitimacy of the businesses or governments, under whose providence such practices continue to exist.

In the same way as no company or supplier operates in isolation, no instance of modern slavery should be viewed in isolation. Societal, cultural, political or business structures which enable or support modern slavery in any of its forms have impact far beyond the point of occurrence.

Within our own value chain, Ethixbase360 is committed to continually endorsing best practices and engaging those suppliers who share our vision. This will be addressed throughout this document.

Regulatory Landscape

The increased focus of governments around the world on the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking are to be welcomed. The international community rightfully expects businesses to focus on supply-chain risks in keeping with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and other international commitments. We acknowledge the measures to strengthen reporting requirements under various pieces of international legislation, including embedding modern slavery risks and human trafficking throughout procurement process.

Our Commitment

Ethixbase360 has a vital role in enabling companies to build sustainable supply chains. As such, integrity as well as trust in our markets and in Ethixbase360, are at the core of what we do. We regard all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking as a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. We are committed to implementing and promoting practices which combat modern slavery in all its forms.

Our risk assessment indicates that Ethixbase360 operates in an industry where the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking is inherently low.

However, we operate globally and acknowledge the complexity of supply chains. We recognise the risks of partnering with a broad spectrum of global suppliers and the possibility of modern slavery occurring deeper in those complex supply chains.

Ethixbase360 is a member of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). As part of our participation, Ethixbase360 commits to the UNGC’s Ten Principles including the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct requires that suppliers pay wages in line with prevailing market conditions or at least the minimum wage required by applicable laws and regulations and without unauthorised deductions.


As part of the supplier-onboarding process, we use our own due diligence tools on suppliers perceived as at the higher end of the risk spectrum.

When onboarding a supplier, Ethixbase360 asks the organisation to sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct or to commit to having equivalent standards in place.

We are consistently evolving our due diligence tools and our ambition is to be the leader in this space.


Ethixbase360 has a number of policies and standards which support our approach to modern slavery. These include the following:

Procurement Policy

The policy requires proportionate due diligence of suppliers, including in relation to modern slavery risk before engagement. The policy also requires written contracts to be in place for suppliers we consider to be medium and high risk from a critical usage point of view, to embed anti-slavery provisions.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Ethixbase360’s Supplier Code of Conduct, can be found here . The code outlines Ethixbase360’s expectation that its suppliers should conduct themselves in a manner aligned to Ethixbase360’s standards. The Code includes commitments for suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, industry standards across topics such as labour, and the environment. It requires commitments from suppliers to avoid slavery in their own supply chains.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is agreed with new suppliers during the procurement process that cannot demonstrate existing equivalent standards.

Employee Code of Conduct

Ethixbase360’s employee code of conduct can be found here. It applies to all staff and contractors working for Ethixbase360. It includes the expectation that all team members and all members of Ethixbase360’s extended workforce act in accordance with our corporate commitment to avoid slavery in our organisation and business dealings.

Sustainability Report

This report includes anti-slavery within its overarching commitments.

Whistleblowing Policy

We operate a Whistleblowing Policy, aimed principally at our team members. This policy encourages the reporting of any concerns about Ethixbase360 activities, supply chains or business dealings that may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking and other similar issues. This can be done anonymously and confidentially.

Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy

A policy covering anti-bribery and corruption which is a crime often aligned to modern slavery.

June 2024