Modern slavery occurs in almost every country in the world and cuts across ethnic, cultural, and religious lines.
More than half of all forced labor can be found in upper-class, or high-income countries.
According to the international labor organization, modern slavery affects every region of the world, and the number has risen significantly in the last five years. Even in wealthy countries, forced labor remains a major concern.
It is also the biggest issue in supply chains and the biggest problem that we have globally in terms of modern slavery.
Why should you watch the webinar? Learn about:
- How to prevent cases of Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Forced Labor in your supply chain.
- How to stay compliant at all times with the International Labor Organization policy and current local and global labor laws.
- Best practices to consider when dealing with suppliers in countries where there’s a high risk of forced labor.
- Ways to ensure you have good relationships with your suppliers and adopt supply chain accountability.
- Find out about the challenges companies are facing down the road to removing forced labor and modern slavery from their supply chains and if supplier training can prove beneficial.
- The challenges modern slavery poses to supply chain management.
- How far down the chain does your company needs to go to ensure a responsible due diligence process and verify that your suppliers do not possess a risk to the chain?

President, US and Global Research – Tcompliance

Global Lead, Migration and Human Trafficking, Solidarity Center

President, TRACE