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Welcome to our risk management publication the Ethics Exchange Risk Center, your go-to source for insights and information on managing risks in today’s business world. As the pace of change accelerates and new risks emerge, it’s essential for organizations to stay ahead of the curve and adopt effective risk management practices.
What to expect:
✔ A monthly publication with the latest developments, trends, and best practices in risk management
✔ In-depth articles, case studies and interviews with actionable advice for managing risk effectively
✔ Global regulatory developments and compliance issues
✔ The latest tools and emerging technologies that are transforming the risk landscape
Premium Corporate Data
Introducing Premium Corporate Data - Ensure you have the third-party corporate intelligence needed to drive informed decisions.
Ethixbase360 empowers and protects your business with accurate and up-to-date premium corporate data curated from tens of thousands of sources with over 500 million entities spanning over 220 countries. Read more:

eBook: Fundamentals and Future of ESG
This eBook underscores the importance of prioritizing third-party risk management (TPRM) in contemporary business practices. It emphasizes that ESG considerations should not be limited to regulatory compliance or corporate social responsibility, but rather, they should be recognized as integral components of a company’s overall risk management strategy.

Case Study: Business NSW
In February 2022, Business NSW started using Ethixbase360, which dramatically improved its due diligence and risk management process. “I’m happy to say that it has been an absolute 180 degrees shift for us in terms of the results that we’re seeing,” said Neha.
Here are some of the ways Ethixbase360 streamlined the organization’s due diligence workflow, increased efficiency, and strengthened the risk management process... Read more: